As Bulten marks its 150th anniversary, the Q1 report shows record sales for the period with a positive outlook.
Net sales amounted to SEK 1,387 (1,034) million, an increase of 34.1% on the same period the previous year. Order bookings amounted to SEK 1,356 (1,134 million), an increase of 19.6% on the same period the previous year.
In January, Bulten announced its decision to close one of its two logistics centres in Sweden to streamline its distribution chain. The cost of the closure amounted to approximately SEK 1.5 million.
Bulten increased its holding in TensionCam Systems AB in January, by acquiring a further 36.5% of the shares in the company at a purchase sum of SEK 4 million. The Gothenburg-based company specialises in developing sensors that measure and monitor clamp loads in screw joints. The acquisition makes Bulten the majority owner with 63.5% of the company’s shares.
“We started the year with excellent financial results, and note that this is the fifth consecutive quarter with sales in excess of SEK 1 billion. Our strategy and our improvement efforts, based on 150 years of collective know-how, are clearly bearing fruit," says Anders Nyström, President and CEO.
A live presentation for analysts, media and investors will be held today, at 3:30 p.m. CEST, where President and CEO Anders Nyström and CFO Anna Åkerblad will be commenting the result. The presentation will be held in English and include a Q&A session.
If you wish to participate via webcast, please use the link https://ir.financialhearings.com/bulten-q1-2023. Via the webcast you are able to ask written questions.
If you wish to participate via teleconference, please register on the link https://conference.financialhearings.com/teleconference/?id=5002408. After registration you will be provided phone numbers and a conference ID to access the conference. You can ask questions verbally via the teleconference.
The report will be available on Bulten’s website: https://www.bulten.com/en/IR?