To hone the Group’s focus on selected end markets, systematically make use of the potential arising through the inclusion of Hoffmann and intensify collaboration, the Distribution & Logistics (D&L) and Fastening Systems (FS) segments will be restructured as of January 1, 2025. This step will streamline the Group structure. Martin Reichenecker will take charge of the D&L segment as of January 1, 2025. Iso Raunjak will take over the role of Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO).
The D&L segment currently comprises the two divisions D&L International and D&L Switzerland. They will be dissolved and merged to form the D&L segment in order to better leverage the cross-selling potential that exists between the tools, fastening systems and procurement solutions product ranges. D&L will continue to distribute its products under the established brands of SFS and Hoffmann Group as well as the GARANT and HOLEX product brands.
Martin Reichenecker, currently Head of the D&L International division, will lead the D&L segment going forward.
Ever since the Riveting division was integrated into the Automotive and Medical & Industrial Specials divisions with effect from January 1, 2024, the FS segment has exclusively comprised the Construction division. This division will likewise be dissolved and transferred to the FS segment as of January 2025. It will be headed up by Thomas Jung, who until now has been the Head of the Construction division. SFS intends to hone the FS segment’s focus on end markets by expanding it to include the business areas of the D&L Switzerland division that focus on construction.

Iso Raunjak, Head of the D&L Switzerland division since 2020, will take on the role of CHRO from January 1, 2025, meaning that he will be responsible for Human Resources (HR), Marketing & Corporate Communications and ESG (environment, social and governance). He will remain a member of the Group Executive Board.
Arthur Blank has been working at SFS since 1982, heading up the Construction division from 2014 to 2023. He took charge of Corporate HR & Communications on an interim basis at the start of 2024. He will be stepping down from the Group Executive Board upon his retirement at the end of 2024.