PT Mowilex Indonesia (Mowilex) has been awarded its sixth consecutive CarbonNeutral® certification from Climate Impact Partners.
The company worked with ACT Commodities, a CDP gold-accredited organisation that helps companies navigate scope 1, 2 and 3 decarbonisation, to obtain related Renewable Energy Certificates.
To complete the latest certification, Mowilex reduced its carbon footprint and offset emissions across production and distribution. Solar panels were installed at the Cikande plant will reduce the company’s dependence on non-renewable electricity sourced from the grid.
By implementing improvement projects to reduce fuel consumption and transitioning from fuel-powered equipment to electric alternatives, Mowilex achieved a 98% reduction in emissions from stationary sources compared to 2023.
Mowilex also supported India’s Lingasugur Wind Power Project which advances four United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including Affordable and Clean Energy (goal 7), Decent Work and Economic Growth (goal 8), Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (goal 9), and Climate Action (goal 13).
“Mowilex is honoured to receive a sixth consecutive CarbonNeutral company certification. We hold ourselves to high ethical and environmental standards, and this recognition proves that manufacturers can make a positive, lasting impact across the value chain,” said Niko Safavi, CEO of Mowilex.