At the annual general meeting of shareholders of Bossard Holding AG all motions of the Board of Directors were approved with a large majority. After Dr. René Cotting and Prof. Dr. Stefan Michel did not seek re-election, Prof. Dr. Ina Toegel was newly elected to the Board. The AGM approved all current directors in their posts and Dr. Thomas Schmuckli remains as Chair of the Board of Directors.
The shareholders elected Prof. Dr. Ina Toegel and as independent director: Ina Toegel is currently working as Professor of Leadership and Organisational Change at IMD in Lausanne. In particular, she researches at the interface between leaderships and strategy, between people and new technologies, and works on the question of how teams successfully bring about change.
In addition, the annual general meeting of shareholders approved the dividend proposal of the Board of Directors and also approved PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Zurich, as auditors for the 2023 fiscal year.